“Animals Are Us”


Fig 1  The CatchPost System

The phrase “animals are us” is a thought-provoking statement that emphasizes the deep connection between humans and other animals. It suggests that humans and animals share fundamental similarities and that we are, in many ways, part of the same continuum of life. Here are a few key interpretations and implications of this phrase:

  1. Biological Kinship: This perspective highlights the scientific understanding that humans are part of the animal kingdom. We share a common ancestry with other species and possess many biological similarities, such as cellular structures, genetic codes, and physiological processes. The phrase underscores our place in the broader tree of life.
  2. Evolutionary Connection: From an evolutionary standpoint, the phrase reflects the idea that humans evolved from non-human ancestors. It reminds us that many traits we consider uniquely human, such as emotions, social behaviors, and intelligence, have roots in the animal world.
  3. Ethical Implications: “Animals are us” can also be interpreted as a call for empathy and ethical consideration towards animals. By recognizing our kinship with them, we may feel a greater moral responsibility to treat animals with compassion and respect, acknowledging their capacity for suffering and their intrinsic value.
  4. Shared Characteristics: The phrase suggests that many qualities we attribute to humans are also found in animals. This includes emotions like joy, fear, and love, as well as behaviors like cooperation, communication, and problem-solving. It challenges the notion of human exceptionalism and encourages us to see these traits as part of a spectrum rather than as unique to humans.
  5. Philosophical Perspective: Philosophically, the phrase can be seen as a reflection on the nature of existence and identity. It invites us to question what it means to be human and to consider the ways in which our lives are interconnected with those of other animals.

In the context of conservation management, Pirsig’s concept of “Quality” can bridge the gap between “Classical” and “Romantic” modes of understanding humans as animals, enhancing the effectiveness and holistic nature of conservation efforts. Here’s how this integration can be understood:

Quality in Conservation Management

  1. Classical Understanding in Conservation Management:
    • Scientific and Technical Approach: This mode focuses on data-driven, analytical methods. It emphasizes research, ecological models, population dynamics, genetic studies, and statistical analysis.
    • Objective Measures: Classical understanding relies on quantifiable metrics such as biodiversity indices, species population numbers, habitat quality assessments, and ecological footprint calculations.
    • Policy and Regulation: This involves creating and enforcing conservation policies, laws, and regulations based on empirical evidence and scientific principles
  1. Romantic Understanding in Conservation Management:
    • Aesthetic and Emotional Connection: This mode values the beauty of nature, the intrinsic value of species and ecosystems, and the emotional and cultural significance of natural landscapes.
    • Subjective Experience: Romantic understanding embraces personal and communal experiences of nature, such as the spiritual connection to the land, traditional ecological knowledge, and the inspiration derived from wilderness.
    • Community Engagement: This includes the involvement of local communities, indigenous knowledge, and fostering a deep-seated respect and love for nature.
  2. Quality as a Bridge:
    • Holistic Integration: Quality in conservation management recognizes the necessity of both rigorous scientific approaches and deep emotional connections to nature. It seeks a holistic approach that values and integrates both.
    • Adaptive Management: Quality promotes an adaptive management strategy that is responsive to both empirical data and community input, ensuring that conservation efforts are both effective and culturally relevant.
    • Sustainability and Well-being: Quality emphasizes sustainable practices that balance ecological health with human well-being. It advocates for conservation methods that are scientifically sound while also preserving the cultural and spiritual values associated with nature.
    • Ethical and Moral Considerations: Quality introduces a moral dimension, urging conservationists to consider not only the technical aspects of management but also the ethical implications of their actions. It calls for respect, care, and a sense of responsibility towards all living beings and ecosystems.

By integrating Classical and Romantic modes of understanding through the concept of Quality, conservation management can become more comprehensive and effective. This approach ensures that scientific rigor does not overshadow the emotional and cultural significance of conservation, and vice versa. It fosters a balanced, respectful, and ethically sound relationship with the natural world, ultimately leading to more resilient and sustainable conservation outcomes.

Teaching  Method

Overall, “animals are us” is a reminder of our shared heritage and interconnectedness with the rest of the animal world. It encourages a sense of humility and a reevaluation of how we perceive and interact with other living beings.

Self-learning through the creation and exchange of digital postcards, leaflets, and booklets containing bite-sized information, networked via platforms like Google Blogger, can be an effective and engaging educational strategy. This approach combines the benefits of microlearning, creative expression, and digital networking to create a collaborative and enriching learning experience. Here’s how you can implement this method:

  1. Microlearning: Breaking information into small, manageable pieces helps with understanding and retention.
  2. Engagement and Creativity: Designing and creating digital media is interactive and fun.
  3. Collaboration and Community: Sharing creations through platforms like Google Blogger fosters a sense of community and facilitates knowledge exchange.

Steps to Implement

1. Choose Your Tools

  • Design Software: Canva, Adobe Spark, Microsoft Publisher, or Google Slides for creating digital postcards, leaflets, and booklets.
  • Blogging Platform: Google Blogger or similar platforms such as CatchPost, for sharing and networking your content.

2. Define Your Learning Objectives

  • Identify specific topics or skills to focus on.
  • Ensure each piece of content addresses a single, clear objective.

3. Research and Content Development

  • Research: Gather accurate and reliable information.
  • Content Writing: Write concise, engaging, and informative content.
  • Design: Create visually appealing designs that enhance understanding.

4. Create the Digital Media (The CatchPost System (Fig 1)

  • Postcards: Focus on a single fact or concept with strong visuals and a brief description.
  • Leaflets: Provide slightly more detailed information with a balance of text and images.
  • Booklets: Develop comprehensive guides on a topic, divided into sections with bite-sized information.

5. Set Up a Blog

  • Create a Blog: Set up a blog on Google Blogger (or another platform).
  • Design Your Blog: Make it visually appealing and easy to navigate.
  • Organize Content: Use labels or categories to organize your posts by topic or type (e.g., postcards, flyers, booklets).

6. Post and Share Content

  • Regular Posting: Post your digital postcards, flyers, and booklets regularly.
  • Encourage Interaction: Allow comments and feedback on your posts to foster discussion and improvement.

7. Network and Collaborate

  • Follow and Engage: Follow other blogs with similar interests and engage with their content.
  • Collaborate: Partner with other bloggers for guest posts or collaborative projects.
  • Promote Your Platform: Share your blog on social media to reach a wider audience.

Examples of Use

1. Language Learning

  • Postcards: Share vocabulary words or phrases, including pronunciation and usage in a sentence.
  • Leaflet: Explain grammar rules or common expressions with examples.
  • Booklets: Create mini-guides on specific language topics like verb conjugations or cultural etiquette.

2. History

  • Postcards: Highlight key historical events, figures, or dates with engaging visuals and brief descriptions.
  • Leaflets: Summarize important historical periods or movements with timelines and significant outcomes.
  • Booklets: Develop detailed guides on major historical events or themes, divided into digestible sections.

3. Science

  • Postcards: Explain single scientific concepts or phenomena with simple diagrams, pictures and explanations.
  • Leaflets: Provide summaries of scientific theories, experiments, or discoveries.
  • Booklets: Create comprehensive guides on scientific topics, like the water cycle or the structure of an atom, broken into smaller sections.

Tips for Success

  • Consistency: Regularly update your blog with new content to keep your audience engaged.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and visually appealing content.
  • Engage with Feedback: Use feedback to improve your content and design skills.
  • Leverage Community: Join or create online communities to exchange materials and ideas, fostering collaborative learning.


Creating and exchanging digital postcards, leaflets, and booklets with bite-sized information through a platform like Google Blogger and CatchPost is a powerful self-learning strategy. It enhances engagement, creativity, and collaboration while making learning a social and enjoyable experience. By regularly posting and sharing your creations, you can build a network of learners and contributors, enriching your educational journey and that of others.

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